Thursday, October 30, 2008

Is a posting every 6 months considered "Blogging"?

Well. Once post every six months. No one will accuse me of running off at the least not for this blog.

Since last I've posted, my writing business has fallen victim to The Financial Meltdown, so I've decided the time is ripe to become a documentary film maker. My subject is (duh!) The Financial Meltdown. Not as boring and dry as you might think.

As it turns out, the periods of boom and bust we now may lovingly think of as "Bubbleomics" are in fact present in a pattern that repeats itself in 10 to 15 year intervals since the establishment of the U.S. Federal Reserve - arguably the first of many unconstitutional and most likely unlawful acts.

The problem with the research phase of this project is you of course can't talk to anybody who still holds a government office, and those who are retired and willing to talk are largely incoherent and senile. Not that the one's in office now aren't senile. I think senility is relative anyway...some people are born senile and only compound the problem with a little learning and experience...others burn a sharp blue intellectual flame well after they've gone gray and bony.

Needless to say, the most interesting part of making a film is raising the money...especially if you're a first-timer like me who likes to throw around names and numbers as if they're a done deal. BIG talker, everyone thinks. Only, of course, until its done.

Will it get done? Time will tell. There are hundreds if not thousands of companies going off a cliff right now cause they can't obtain enough credit to operate their perfectly viable businesses. Who's going to want to fund a documentary film by a first timer in these conditions?

Fortunately, the list to which I can market the idea is somewhat vast, having been developed over the last decade by GATA, which stands for the Gold Anti-Trust Action committee, an organization that has been loudly proclaiming the illegal manipulation of the gold price for nearly a decade. They are interested in seeing this film get made and are of the opinion that I'm just the man for the job.

There is no web site yet, but there will be one day soon. You're probably better off finding out more about it at my other site,

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Re-thinking the Blog

I've only recently realized that people I know and love and in some cases respect (kidding) actually read this thing, so I've decided to apply some thought to the process instead of amuse myself with fanciful drivel. (Look...there I go again...)

Things are shaping up on so many fronts this year, and life is spooling off so fast, that it seems like it was just yesterday that I was swiping 20s outta my mother's wallet to score weed at the high school cross town cause ours was so lame. We would actually bolt to the north end of St. Catharines at lunch time, having taken up a collection during morning classes to score an ounce, which we would then roll into spliffs for distribution towards the end of lunch, usually resulting in us skipping the rest of the day to smoke the profit.

Its been an entrepreneurial existence from day one for me.

The payoff seems to be around the corner (though I've thought this about thirty times over the last thirty years).

In the midst of the contraction of capital underway globally, myself and some fellow bandits have hit upon a rather novel way to fund big resource projects faster cheaper and earlier than the banks are willing to on a debt basis.

I won't bore you with the details, which essentially entail arcane mathematical foofooraw combined with good old fashioned sales force. The fees threaten to be big. You'll be able to tell if suddenly I renounce my environmental diatribe in favour of a Hummer (not that kind of hummer...dammit)

I've been trying to line up a Hydrogen 7 from BMW, but in order to have one here in Canada, I would have to install my own hydrogen generator and liquefaction plant. The generator would split the four hydrogen atoms off of the single carbon atom in the propane I have delivered here, and would cost about $5,000. The liquefaction process and storage unit is going to run me closer to $1 M. And BMW still won't sell me a Hydrogen 7, because I'm not a celebrity.

Here's an excerpt from the most recent email barrage I finally received after a global electronic circle jerk thats been going on for weeks now:

Dear Mr. West,

Thank you for your email to BMW AG. It has been forwarded to us as we are the subsidiary responsible to address any questions or concerns from Canadian customers.

In response to your inquiry, the BMW Hydrogen 7 has been built in a limited series in Europe and driven in the US and other countries by selected users in 2007. Unfortunately, at this time, it is only available to those selected customers.


Customer Interaction Specialist
BMW Canada
Jay Leno got one. Brad Pitt pulled up to the Oscars in one. I mean, come on! How credible is a Hydrogen product if anybody can't buy one who's willing to jump through so many golden hoops to do so?

My new tactic is to embarrass them into it through a campaign of nasty article publishing. I sure hope the financing business goes well. Wouldn't I look like a jerk if they finally agreed and I had to plead poverty.

Also...get this: I'm going to be on TV on April 18th at 8:30 a.m. Vancouver time, 11:30 a.m. in Toronto (duh). Here's the email:
Hello James
I have booked you for BNN the Commodities Report show on Friday April 18th

Studio address is:
720 King Street West
10th Floor

The show begins at 11:30am EST but you will need to arrive no later than 11am EST in order to get makeup done etc.

One of the producers will contact you before hand in order to get your two top picks and go through a few email questions.

Best of luck on the show,

Warwick Smith

Watch me turn into a blathering idiot live on TV! What could be more fun than that?!!
Love, Me